AMAC supply FINK® and Tinker & RasorTM polycarbonate test stations. The cathodic protection test stations are high strength, fire resistant, non conductive, maintenance free terminals for monitoring electric currents and potentials.
Cathodic protection test stations are used as a terminal for test leads to read: - Underground structure-to-soil potentials
- Cathodic protection anode currents
- The resistive integrity of insulation flanges and joints
- The integrity of insulation between all types of underground metallic structures, such as between a carrier and its casing
- Stray currents on all types of underground
Sizes Small (T1 or Little Fink): comes with either 2 or 3 terminals. Large (T3 or Big Fink): 5 terminals (can take up to 11) Colours Available in orange, yellow, green, blue, red, purple, black and white. Mounting Mounted onto riser pipes, reducers are available. Accessories Bonding straps, shunts, flange adaptors, and much more. These models are injection moulded using Lexan® polycarbonate plastics to ensure maximum strength and UV protection to guard against failure due to prolonged exposure to sunlight. The test stations are designed to survive in harsh climatic environments worldwide.